Video for Social Media (part 1 of 3)

WRITTEN BY Tim Lewis ON 05.31.24


This is the first installment in a three part series on video for social media. For this series of blogs, I’m joined by Jennifer Radke, CEO of the National Institute for Social Media (NISM). Jennifer’s organization helps social media managers develop the skills and knowledge necessary for success in social media marketing.

In this blog we’ll cover why video is rocket fuel for social media and some tips on how you can develop a successful social media video content strategy.

Jennifer:“Video is a highly consumed form of content and is going to continue to grow. We want to see ourselves in different brands in our social feeds and we can do that best through the use of images. Video simply takes it to a whole new level. We can relate to those stories. We can learn from them. We can connect and be entertained in a way that text or static images don’t always allow.”

Social media videos are an engaging and creative way to deliver information to your audience. Video can increase brand awareness, drive conversion, build customer loyalty, and help reach new audiences.

“The specific video used could be anything from a formalized video that’s really well-produced to something created by someone on their iPhone. The key factor tying it all together is that there is a bond that connects the audience to the conversation that’s happening or to the brand and what’s happening there. Stories that people can relate to. That touch the heartstrings or give them inspiration. Anything that humanizes the brand and puts your audience first.

But where do you start?


Start by developing specific, achievable goals for your social media videos. You may want to use the SMART goal methodology. Is your goal to drive leads? Is your goal to increase brand awareness? Drive traffic to your website?

Jennifer: “Video is just one piece of what we would put into a content strategy, and a content strategy is only one piece of what should go into a social media marketing strategy. Start with setting goals, understanding what you’re trying to accomplish, who you’re trying to reach, how they want to be engaged with, and then you can start to decipher the types of content you might use, and where.”

When you are ready to plan out that content, including your video, think through a few of these questions:

What is the video trying to get people to do?

What is that overall goal that you want them to accomplish?

How is it going to be done?

Is it going to be done in steps?

From here people should craft key performance indicators or KPIs. These will help you to measure what you want to accomplish within each of these steps. Track your results and then tweak it. Make sure that you make changes the next time that you implement a campaign that utilizes video.”

Starting with a clear, comprehensive social media strategy gives you the best chance for success in video for social media. Video tactics are great tools to have in your social media toolkit.

Stayed tuned for our next installment in this series on Video for Social Media, where we’ll discuss content best practices and ideas.

For more on developing video content in general, check out our blog: Tips and Tools for Developing Video Content.

Mastcom ( is here to help you build your video asset library and give your videos style, purpose and direction. For help with social media management, follow the National Institute for Social Media on social media (NISM).


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